Do you have something in mind that goes with our primal concept?

If yes, hop on and submit it here on “And I Thot”.

This is the section where we give our users the opportunity to publish their instances. If everything goes well, we will have the writeup published in the site at the earliest. Under Your Authorship. But of course, if you are okay with that.

That’s right! You can come up with topics like AIT I will never fail in Hindi, AIT she will never betray me, AIT Lady Gaga wouldn’t look better without makeup. Humor, Fun, Love, Justin Beiber, we will take everything if your content is according to the site’s concept.

Just start with anything that you thought but turned out to be different. You don’t have to maintain any word limit, but writing in detail will make it more readable.



PS: If you have any images for the content you are about to share, please take the pain of sending them to our Gmail ID “”

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    • Hi Stephen. Thanks a ton. You will be seeing your content in the respective section soon enough. Thanks again. Keep writing.

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