AYT ecommerce sites do not troll each other

October 14, 2015
flipkat-vs-snapdeal-vs-amazon - Game of Prices

flipkat-vs-snapdeal-vs-amazon – Game of Prices

This is not new. War over product prices among business rivals has always existed. Only difference is instead of shopkeepers, now there are online shopping sites. Bulging ecommerce Sites like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, etc., have taken this Game of Prices to their marketing strategy for a showdown. The race has just started and the gloves are off now. The battle to prove one’s own supremacy has resulted in online trolling and each brand is trying to give its best by claiming to provide products at the cheapest prices.

For instance, “The Big Billion Days” sale of Flipkart was deliberately browbeaten by Snapdeal in the following way.


This is not the first time that Snapdeal has quipped Flipkart with such a remark. Last year too, the two biggest shopping sites of India openly trolled each other in the following way.


Flipkart being the pioneer of the GMV or Gross Merchandise Value concept still enjoys 44 percent of market share followed by Snapdeal and Amazon at 22 and 14 percent respectively.

Ecommerce stores have taken the internet by storm and at times like these, they do not fail to let go the chance of pulling each other’s legs. And, the biggest benefactor of this like always is, us customers. The India consumer is basically very price sensitive and they go to the website that charges the least. Hence, it doesn’t matter who acquires the maximum customers during such types of sales.

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