Game of thrones – S06E02
All buckled up for the 3rd episode that is due this Sunday? We all are! And, the wait is killing us.
For those of you who have already started dreaming about the things set to happen in the third episode, we have something that will divert your mind from the upcoming episode for a few moments.
We bring you the best scenes of the 2nd episode along with their remarkable dialogues that was aired last Sunday. At this point, we know two facts for sure.
- Fact #1: You won’t get bored
- Fact #2: You will try watching these scenes once again
Let’s begin then.
At the Night’s Watch:
At Meereen:
At the Red Keep, King’s Landing:
At Iron Island:
At Meereen again:
At the Night’s Watch:
At Meereen:
If teasers are to be believed, we might very well get to see the youngest Stark in the third episode of this every-so-famous HBO series.
Game Of Thrones has gained a following like no other fantasy series in the world. The perfection with which it manages so many plots in any of the episode is one of the reasons behind the massive liking.
We’re pretty sure you are going to open your laptop now and watch these scenes once again. Well, go on. We’d do the same. After all, what is dead may never die ЁЯШЙ